
Janel's Place

Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.

Monday, January 31, 2005

What a weekend in Iraq 

Bravo to our service men and women! Bravo to our president! Bravo to those Iraqi people! On every news channel I watched them celebrate, and the philosophy of freedom validated. The naysayers will not be cured, but their voices are drowned out. It's an amazing gift to know deep inside that your beliefs are solidly built on a Rock that will not move. I hope and pray that every person can come to the point in their life where the shifting sands of uncertainty just aren't good enough.

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If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer.

In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto.

Who would you be?
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