
Janel's Place

Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The trapeeze and the horse 

I had better write a nice blog or I'm going to get reported. I'm actually in a nice state of mind today. Last night I turned in another draft, then took a shower, brushed my teeth, felt like a human again, and did not think about ADF for two solid hours. I dreamed I was swinging around on a trapeeze. In dreams I can experience things I will never do in life... I am so glad I can remember my dreams. I have not yet heard back about how awful the draft is, therefore I can rest in my ignorance and get ready for lab meeting this afternoon. Writing the chapter is so much more horrible than lab meeting that I am actually enjoying preparing for lab meeting.

Epidemiology was fun again -- we're going on two classes straight now. The cool thing about survival analysis is that it makes enough sense so that when he throws in little reminder here and there about how various parts of equations are like ones we have seen before (in the time period wherein I remained completely confused all the time), I can achieve some retro-understanding of this incredibly weird class.

Herein comes my amazing philosophical analogy of the day. It came during class, and I missed 2 minutes of class while I worked it all out.

I am a come-from-behind horse. I didn't start out that way, I used to run neck-and-neck the whole way and often set the pace, but as race-horses change with age (sometimes) I have changed. Back in the old days, I broke from the gate and headed around the track without really giving it two more thoughts. I had to get ahead and the destination wasn't really all that important. Now that I am old (in school-years), I find myself spending some time in the gate wondering. Why am I in this race? Where are we going? ...Am I a horse? When I figure those things out, I run with purpose and usually can finally end up at least in the pack if not in the lead. Did I give up too much to gain that purpose? Would it be better to just break fast? I don't know, but it doesn't really matter because I am now a come-from-behind horse. In this class, I am coming from way in the back and starting my acceleration.

Maybe there is a life application here as well. I'll have to work on that later. But I like my philosophical moments. They are very entertaining.

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If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer.

In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto.

Who would you be?
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