
Janel's Place

Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Week... something. 

Sigh. It's 9:23 p.m. and I have not yet studied the heart.

Things that made me laugh:

1. A guy asking Dr. Frye to write a long definition on the board just to slow her down.
2. Dr. Fails answering my question and then saying... "I suppose you all saw which orifice I pulled that out of."
3. Writing something down on an exam and then realizing that the limb was a front limb, not a hind limb.
4. Inventing the word "scrapula" for a a deformed bone I couldn't remember the name of.
5. A muffled yell and a clunk in the back of the histology lab as a guy killed a wasp for Lauren while Dr. Sandi was lecturing.
6. Imagining a herd of horses with Wobbler's syndrome trying to run.

Things that made me go "Eeeeeyew:"

1. Cups of pus that spilled out of a horse heart sac during necropsy.
2. A picture of a pig with a bubble of meninges on its head.

Things that were scary and/or unpleasant:

1. Cutting the mandible with a bone saw. The smoke, the smell, the NOISE, the idea.
2. Dreaming that snakes were bouncing off the ground and biting me.
3. Getting a call from home because my two of my rats were eating the third one.
4. Eating chicken and knowing what bones I was cleaning.
5. Waking up at 7:04 a.m. before an 8 a.m. class.
6. Several questions involving stringy things on that last exam (i.e. nerves, arteries, veins...)

Things that were sad:

1. The rat that died was one of the nice ones, not the one that bites.
2. Missing rooster.
3. Sad story of a mom killed by a drunk driver after throwing her daughter off the 4-wheeler to save her. Don't drink and drive people.
4. Dreaming I almost got a llama.

Things that were boring:

1. Everything I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Putting air in my tire every three days.

Things that were really nice:

1. Finding candy in my mailbox.
2. Charise's sopapilla cheesecake.
3. Sleeping for 10 hrs Friday night.
4. Watching Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith last Sunday night. "Fear of loss is the pathway to the dark side."

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