Janel's Place
Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
God's animal, the kitten
I have a kitten on my lap. He is staring fixedly at my hand and every time I push the backspace he watches my hand move. I saw a big rainbow last night and got a gentle reminder that God has things under control. I have these phases of staring at four fingers of problems, knowing that I need to look past them and get God in focus, but before I actually see Him I have this horrendous time period of seeing EIGHT FINGERS! But of course, that only makes sense if you've seen Patch Adams. It's so easy to trust God when I have a kitten on my lap. Perhaps I should get one of those little belt-purses and just keep him there.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, a day late, Janel. Hope you had a very nice day. We were thinking about you and talking about you, but you didn't get a card from us:( Hope this suffices. Take care. You start vet school in August, I understand?
Love, Aunt Joan and Uncle Ron
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Love, Aunt Joan and Uncle Ron
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