Janel's Place
Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Daily Report w/ Funky J.
It's nice not to be sleepy, but it's at the wrong time of day again. But what better opportunity to record the interesting event of the day: this morning I saw a pigeon stop mid-flight and drop to the ground dead. Now for the event of the week: last Saturday I received the second to best letter of a lifetime saying that I have an interview for vet school. I think I made it almost an hour today without thinking about it. I guess nothing else of interest happened in my small world, because counting minis is not of interest, and if nobody knows what that means then I think that is fine. You can actually do very well in life without knowing what it means to count minis. Tomorrow is Sunday, perhaps my brain can literally explode before noon. Perhaps it will implode. Perhaps it will turn into rubber. Hard to say, interesting to speculate. If I were a penguin I would have completely different things to worry about. This is a true statement, but out of place in a paragraph written by someone trying to be normal. The truth is, I have no desire to be normal, and if that is a requirement for vet school then I guess I don't want to go anyway. It is the normal people that cause my brain to explode. When all is said and done a person should just sit down and read their Bible and be glad they don't have tapeworms. Take that, normal people!
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