Janel's Place
Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas Eve Eve
Carin and I are flipping and hydrating flies while drinking wine coolers and listening to chorale Christmas music. The nerds left on the premises are few and proud. Must be off to get some stuffing from Walmart. I'm afraid to go in there, it's going to be very scary.
It would be nice to go home this weekend... sigh. Vegging out and watching Christmas movies sounds like fun. Cleaning the rabbit cage sounds not so fun. I bought a bale of straw today though, it will be a Christmas present for the bunnies and chickens.
This year, it's awesome not to have a brother in Iraq, it's awesome to be going to see some family even if it's after Christmas, it's awesome to have a cell phone with free ("free") mobile-to-mobile so I can bug people all day every day, it's great that some heartbreaking friend issues are a year behind, it's nice that there is a small possibility that I mailed out Christmas presents in time to get there this year, I have surreal memories of visiting the far, far away land of Japan to mull over, I have 6 more animals than last year to play with, I have 95% more great Christian friends than I had last year and I get to have Christmas dinner with them....
That was a nice little reflection. I'm now in a good enough mood to go to Walmart.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

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It would be nice to go home this weekend... sigh. Vegging out and watching Christmas movies sounds like fun. Cleaning the rabbit cage sounds not so fun. I bought a bale of straw today though, it will be a Christmas present for the bunnies and chickens.
This year, it's awesome not to have a brother in Iraq, it's awesome to be going to see some family even if it's after Christmas, it's awesome to have a cell phone with free ("free") mobile-to-mobile so I can bug people all day every day, it's great that some heartbreaking friend issues are a year behind, it's nice that there is a small possibility that I mailed out Christmas presents in time to get there this year, I have surreal memories of visiting the far, far away land of Japan to mull over, I have 6 more animals than last year to play with, I have 95% more great Christian friends than I had last year and I get to have Christmas dinner with them....
That was a nice little reflection. I'm now in a good enough mood to go to Walmart.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Zen of minis
Something about mindlessly highlighting little red voltage spikes for hours calms the soul. I think I could go hug a criminal. What a weird mood, maybe it's the broccoli I ate. My brain perceives broccoli as a strange hallucinogen or toxin, definitely not food. Carin is still in the lab but I'm going to tear myself away as my impression of the last several mornings is that I need to go to bed earlier. Either that or figure out a way to shut up the lovebirds. I throw star wars figurines at them during the night which makes them be quiet long enough to get back to sleep. Sadly, Jar-Jar was left on the floor too long and Max chewed on him a bit. Better him than Leia I suppose.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Abnormal behavior
"Stress sometimes leads to abnormal behavior." No way. This is quite the eye-opening book. Somebody shot herself on the news in 1974... somebody else leapt from a window after getting a B in a class... that's about all I read today but it promises to be very interesting. I am abnormal because whatever was bugging my right ear has moved down to my left big toe. I'll bet a fly got in my ear and laid an egg and I'm now hosting a giant maggot. Of course that's gross but I had nasty french fries for dinner and it just leads to an all-around gross feeling.
There is more to life than red and green boutons but I am not experiencing it. It was a fly-filled day, but not a fly-filled weekend. Nope, I had a marvelous Saturday convincing myself that I would surely die of a flesh-eating bacterial disease emanating from my ear if I did not stay home and have a movie day with the critters. National Velvet was on, a classic horse movie if there ever was one. Naturally after watching that it was crucial that I play with horses rather than flies.
I'm wide awake but I can't think of anything else to say. I just finished looking through my Economist magazine and there are so many really important things going on in the world that I'm not excited writing about my toes. It does seem odd that the abortion issue hangs on a court ruling rather than any laws contrived by the people. Who let that one get by?
One final gripe/woe. I grieve for kids that have even the childlike, simple introduction to the story of Jesus Christ in the Chronicles of Narnia purposefully hidden from them by their parents’ aversion to all things “religious.” They’re protecting their kids? From WHAT? I can’t talk anymore, I’m on a rampage. Well yes I can. Make up your minds people, is it a harmless fairytale or is it the truth? You want to raise a strong, independent child that will not succumb to the lies of the weak, yet you are afraid to even expose them to anything but your own understudied dismissal of Christianity? Scientists make my blood boil. I’m big on individual rights to go anywhere a person wants, including hell, but when kids’ eyes are covered and they are marched in that direction by parents who claim to be open-minded and scientifically objective I don’t know whether to pull my hair out or yell or both. And there you have it, my opinion that stays behind a pleasant smile at work but dances around in freakish clarity at night.
Max says bedtime.
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There is more to life than red and green boutons but I am not experiencing it. It was a fly-filled day, but not a fly-filled weekend. Nope, I had a marvelous Saturday convincing myself that I would surely die of a flesh-eating bacterial disease emanating from my ear if I did not stay home and have a movie day with the critters. National Velvet was on, a classic horse movie if there ever was one. Naturally after watching that it was crucial that I play with horses rather than flies.
I'm wide awake but I can't think of anything else to say. I just finished looking through my Economist magazine and there are so many really important things going on in the world that I'm not excited writing about my toes. It does seem odd that the abortion issue hangs on a court ruling rather than any laws contrived by the people. Who let that one get by?
One final gripe/woe. I grieve for kids that have even the childlike, simple introduction to the story of Jesus Christ in the Chronicles of Narnia purposefully hidden from them by their parents’ aversion to all things “religious.” They’re protecting their kids? From WHAT? I can’t talk anymore, I’m on a rampage. Well yes I can. Make up your minds people, is it a harmless fairytale or is it the truth? You want to raise a strong, independent child that will not succumb to the lies of the weak, yet you are afraid to even expose them to anything but your own understudied dismissal of Christianity? Scientists make my blood boil. I’m big on individual rights to go anywhere a person wants, including hell, but when kids’ eyes are covered and they are marched in that direction by parents who claim to be open-minded and scientifically objective I don’t know whether to pull my hair out or yell or both. And there you have it, my opinion that stays behind a pleasant smile at work but dances around in freakish clarity at night.
Max says bedtime.
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Friday, December 09, 2005
Friday again
Blah blah blah I need to go home and face the reality of the frightening situation that is my room. Knee deep in birdseed, clean and dirty laundry intermixed in the closet and all over the chairs, gross pillowcases from an even grosser attack of the bloody nose, mail stacked up for 3 weeks, sister's overdue birthday present somewhere under the heap, and now a nice stinky dead fish that has been floating upsidedown for 2 days whereby I assume he is dead but I will check for sure before trying to find a softened piece of burial ground... it was either Big Bad Bert or Little Ernie, I lost track of who was who when they were separated to prevent them from eating each other. I've had him for over 2 years, now I fear I killed him by unplugging his filter so I could sleep without the racket, not remembering that his heater was also attached to the plug and it was pretty cold in my room this week... wait a minute. Wait a minute, it is a separate plug. I probably didn't kill him.
I could blog a lot of things because a lot of things happened since the last blog. I can't sort them out right now. The fridge is hypnotizing me, I keep snapping out of a long blank stare at the computer screen and one of these times I might not snap out. Bible study was awesome last night, Daniel was a very cool dude. The book of Daniel is a good sell for vegetables as well...
...just returned from rummaging through junk in the hallway. Our secretary came into the lab and said there was some cool stuff out there from the prof who is moving out this week. Yup, I now have a book called "Understanding Abnormal Behavior." I'll let you know what I find. HI Mrs. Harr, I didn't know you visited my rantings! How's Steph?
Hunger is now contributing to delirium, I'm going to leave. It's Friday. Whew.
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I could blog a lot of things because a lot of things happened since the last blog. I can't sort them out right now. The fridge is hypnotizing me, I keep snapping out of a long blank stare at the computer screen and one of these times I might not snap out. Bible study was awesome last night, Daniel was a very cool dude. The book of Daniel is a good sell for vegetables as well...
...just returned from rummaging through junk in the hallway. Our secretary came into the lab and said there was some cool stuff out there from the prof who is moving out this week. Yup, I now have a book called "Understanding Abnormal Behavior." I'll let you know what I find. HI Mrs. Harr, I didn't know you visited my rantings! How's Steph?
Hunger is now contributing to delirium, I'm going to leave. It's Friday. Whew.
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![]() | Eowyn If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer. In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto. Who would you be? |