Janel's Place
Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Stuck to my chair
You know those days where you've been in the lab so long you just don't want to leave anymore? No, you probably don't. Guessing from the empty building only weird freaks of nature feel that way. Well I just can't leave. I'm mocha latte bug-eyed and happy with error bars that no longer overlap the other genotypes but upset that 3 Hz is not as beautiful as I thought it would be and if the CS mutant really does get lower after 30 pulses I wonder why I didn't see that at 10 Hz and what does it mean anyway and if I need to figure out what that could mean before I can get out of here that could be another reason why I really don't want to leave. I hear squeaking... it's the squeaking man-eating phantom and it's going to eat me. Maybe it's Al Gore. I'm sitting pretty still and only moving my fingers, maybe he'll think I'm a tree with a few twitching leaves. Maybe Kerry and Gore can run against Hillary Jeckyl and Hillary Hyde. Maybe if I run around the moors of England at 4:30 in the morning Mr. Darcy will come and tell me I bewitched him. Maybe my web of causation can lead me to all of the answers about what I'm doing here and a thorough inductive investigation will allow me to slowly but surely uncover the web until I can define what is wrong with me with 95% confidence. God is cool. If Kathi is right and I'll get to heaven and no longer really care to know all the answers than I better get my kix in this life. She could be right. I am now sleeping with my eyes open and almost completely mad. If I wait a few more minutes I can catch some coast-to-coast on the way home. Yikes the man-eater is coming back. Oh it's only Nancy. She doesn't want to leave either. I think I'll grab my spoiled tuna and go home. It doesn't seem like the sensible thing to do but that's what I usually do so I guess I'll do it. Story of my life.
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