Janel's Place
Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
I'd rather be watching cats get castrated. That is the honest truth. This is a Saturday in the lab and I am just hating every minute of it because there are just some days when I wake up and I do not care about actin and today is one of those days. Sometimes the coffee shop can bring new life to a lifeless paper, hence I gave it a shot, but over the top of my laptop I could see the happy families of old town on the other side of the window, laughing and pushing strollers, reminding me that life was going on out there while I sit on the sidelines, in graduate school purgatory, wondering if I'll ever be allowed to join them.
ACTIN spelled backwards is NITCA. I wonder if that means anything. Hmm.
Fundacion NITCA
What is NITCA:
It is a grass roots community based program born in July 1999, to improve the condition of children who work the streets to help the economy of their families.Located in El Barrio Los Laureles Sur, Managua, Nicaragua. The population was conformed of families displaced by war and natural disaster.In 1999, 70% of the population was unemployed and 65% illiterate. Malnutrition was rampant and children grew riddle with sickness, the worst of them: HUNGER. Other impediments were housing, hygiene and transportation.
NITCA's Mission:
To face the problem of poverty through education, nutrition, hygiene and health care. The program is based on community development and the empowerment of the families through training and work opportunities.NITCA's Vision: A community that recognizes the Child and Adolescent as subjects of "Rights"; by that meaning the right to study and to be prepared to become a participant citizen of his/her country. An empowered community self-sufficient to have a dignified economy.
No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith.
Albert Schweitzer
ACTIN spelled backwards is NITCA. I wonder if that means anything. Hmm.
Fundacion NITCA
What is NITCA:
It is a grass roots community based program born in July 1999, to improve the condition of children who work the streets to help the economy of their families.Located in El Barrio Los Laureles Sur, Managua, Nicaragua. The population was conformed of families displaced by war and natural disaster.In 1999, 70% of the population was unemployed and 65% illiterate. Malnutrition was rampant and children grew riddle with sickness, the worst of them: HUNGER. Other impediments were housing, hygiene and transportation.
NITCA's Mission:
To face the problem of poverty through education, nutrition, hygiene and health care. The program is based on community development and the empowerment of the families through training and work opportunities.NITCA's Vision: A community that recognizes the Child and Adolescent as subjects of "Rights"; by that meaning the right to study and to be prepared to become a participant citizen of his/her country. An empowered community self-sufficient to have a dignified economy.
No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith.
Albert Schweitzer
Well that's kind of inspiring.
There is also Nitca river in Kazakhstan. Probably full of snakes.
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