
Janel's Place

Sometimes sparks of genius just have to be typed.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I should blog 

As usual, Thursday evening pulls me out of my "funks" (ha) and I talk to my dog for a while and then decide that I should write a blog. I don't know why I write blogs other than to go back and read them a year later and get a kick out of it.

It seems that a geek is someone who bites the heads off of chickens. I have to make it absolutely clear that I don't do that. I have been known to chew on their thighs from time to time, but NEVER their heads.

My predominant God thoughts this week boiled down to the usual "I don't know anything," along with the decision that the 10 commandments are not negotiable. Obviously they weren't 6000 years ago, and it seems like a good bet that they aren't today either. After that, I don't know what to do. If people insist on breaking them I guess I should care about them enough to tell them my opinion that they aren't negotiable. You know, like pie, we're all going to have to stand there in front of God and see how well we measure up to the ultimate pie standard, thus it seems imperative that we attempt to be good quality pies as well as share thoughts on how to be better pies. I guess you'd have to come to my church to figure out what that means. Well, even then you probably wouldn't get it. It's my blog, it only really needs to make sense to me.

A few things to fling into my wish-bin -- oh I hope I hope I get a chance to sit next to a nice orangutan someday. Like Steve Erwin. And oh I hope I hope a baby elephant kisses me someday. Like Steve Erwin. And oh I hope I hope I get to scratch camel lips someday. Like a lot of people. Steve Erwin's memorial service was on Tuesday night and it was just heartrending. Yes indeed, the crocodiles are crying and so was I.

I have to sleep, or attempt to. Tomorrow night will be Friday evening attempt #2 to figure out why in the world I am applying to vet school. There are a lot of reasons, not the least of which being that I am most certainly insane, but how to condense my twisted life journey into 1.5 pages? That is the question. Perhaps it is just because this is my current idea of the most realistic pathway to sitting next to an orangutan and kissing elephants.

Hello! You are heading for vet school?!?!?! Cool! I can't find your email :-( Write me so I can reply and find out how you are! P.S. add the seven deadly sins to the 10 commandments. I wish I could remember the seventh one!
I am a fan of Enya too! This is Tina. I can't remember my whole username....
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If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer.

In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto.

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